Welcome to the Model European Parliament!

A non-partisan leadership programme for youths in EU member states, candidate and applicant countries.

The aim of the MEP programme is to develop interest and skills in addressing high level international issues jointly among Europe’s decision makers of tomorrow.

The Model European Parliament is a leadership programme for youths in the 27 EU member states, in candidate and applicant as well as guest countries.

The aim of the MEP is to educate young people at high school level about European integration and cooperation, and to develop their understanding of common issues as well as provide them with knowledge about EU institutions. The programme develops political awareness and an understanding for Europe’s cultural diversity.

  • a place for young EU parlamentarians
  • a place for new ideas
  • a place for the decision makers of tomorrow
  • a place to be
MEP Logo


Set up in 1994 with a secretariat in The Hague, Netherlands in the inspiring care of Anna and Leopold van Sminia, the MEP programme since 2014 is coordinated by an innovating multi-national board with an association now registered in Vienna.


MEP Europe is organized into four Euroregional sections (MEP Baltic Sea Region, MEP Western European Region, MEP Central and South-Eastern European Region and the MEP Mediterranean Region) each headed by a regional coordinator. As in the MEP BSR since 2004, Euroregional networking and annual sessions has followed in the other three regions of Europe, thus opening yet further opportunities for participation. An MEP Alumni branch is catering for the needs of former participants, offering a whole range of post-MEP activities and events.

Over the years the MEP has caught on well in candidate countries. North Macedonia and Turkey have even been hosts to international sessions. Longstanding participation has come from Serbia, Albania, recently also Montenegro and Ukraine have joined the Model European Parliament programme.


The MEP is a training ground for future leaders and politicians as well as for talented students who share an interest in European issues. It is also a cultural and social event, which gives the participants the opportunity to experience the diversity of the countries around Europe. They take part in various social events, such as teambuilding, discussion forums, dances, sightseeing along with living with a family in the host country.

National Level

On a national level, the MEP encourages European activities, initiated by National Committees. In every country, national MEP organisations play a leading role, acting as hosts to an annual national event. As many schools and educational organisations as possible, from different regions, with students from different social backgrounds are invited to join this European project. The National Committees promote the development of the European dimension in new establishments as well as ensure the continuation of European activities in schools that have been participating in the MEP already.

How our Sessions work

Two EU 27+ sessions take place a year in a different European capital. The working language in international sessions is English. Five students are chosen to represent each EU member state, and together they comprise a delegation. Each delegate represents his/her native country in one of ten committees to discuss international issues which appear on the agenda of the European Parliament. The common goal is to find consensus within a committee on the draft of a resolution that is presented to the General Assembly and vigorously defended in the hope of winning majority approval.

Over the past thirty years the national governments of the Member States have lent their support by providing facilities and giving permission for the two plenary days to be held in one of the assembly chambers of the Parliament of the host country:

  • Austria: the Parlament der Republik Österreich
  • Bulgaria: the National Assembly
  • Cyprus: the House of Representatives
  • Denmark: the Christiansborg Landstingssalen
  • Finland: the Eduskunta
  • France: the Assemblée Nationale
  • Luxembourg: the Hemicycle of the Senate in the Palais de Luxembourg
  • Germany: the Bundestag
  • Greece: the Old Parliament
  • Hungary: the Magyar Orszaggyules
  • Ireland: the Dail Eireann
  • Italy: the Camera dei Deputati and the Senate of Rome
  • Lithuania: the Seimas
  • the Netherlands: the Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
  • Poland: the Sejm
  • Portugal: the Assembleia da republica
  • Slovak Republic: the National Council
  • Slovenia: the Drzavni Zbor
  • Spain: El Congreso de los Diputados and the Senado
  • Sweden: the Riksdag
  • North Macedonia: the Congress Hall

The MEP has also enjoyed attending a reception in Portcullis House given by the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Right Honorable John Bercow.

After being hosted in Strasbourg for the General Assembly by the EU Parliament in 2019, for the first time in close cooperation with the EU Parliament presidency and associated European institutions, an international MEP session was held in Brussels in February 2023.

Owing to these prestigious locations and the excellent quality of debates, the Model European Parliament programme throughout Europe enjoys a high standing and receives full media attention.

As a non-profit, non-partisan association MEP Europe is sponsored by the Erasmus+ programme, by national governments, local authorities, schools, private donors and associations.

For more information please visit www.mepeurope.eu or write to info@mepeurope.eu

…and visit our euroregional MEP sites, as well as MEP Europe Alumni site.

sample session videos

Modell Europa Parlament Europa / MEP Europe

ZVR: 1698448235

A-1010 Wien, Trattnerhof 2

E-Mail: info (at) mepeurope.eu

Vereinszweck: Politische Bildung

Organschaftliche Vertreter

Vorsitzender: Mag. Gottfried Oehl
Stellvertretung: Ulrike Moschau