MEP sessions

Year Spring Sessions Autumn Sessions
2026 Hungary: Szeged/Budapest
2025 Germany: Kehl / France: Strasbourg (European Parliament) The Netherlands: The Hague
2024 Estonia: Tallinn Greece: Athens
2023 Belgium: Brussels Czech Republic: Prague
2022 Romania: Bucharest Bulgaria: Sofia
2021 2nd digital: Austria 3rd digital: Germany
2020 cancelled 1st digital: Stockholm
2019 France: Paris/Strasbourg Malta: La Valletta
2018 Estonia: Tallinn Spain: Toledo/Madrid
2017 The Netherlands: Arnhem / Maastricht Finland: Helsinki
2016 Hungary: Budapest Denmark: Copenhagen
2015 Italy: Naples / Rome Germany: Berlin
2014 Austria: Vienna Luxembourg: Luxembourg
2013 United Kingdom: Norwich Lithuania: Vilnius
2012 Slovenia: Ljutomer / Ljubljana Spain: Madrid
2011 Estonia: Tallin FYROM: Skopje
2010 The Netherlands: The Hague Turkey: Istanbul
2009 Cyprus: Nicosia Germany: Bonn
2008 Sweden: Stockholm Slovak Republic: Bratislava
2007 Bulgaria: Sofia Italy: Rome
2006 Lithuania: Vilnius Slovenia: Ljutomer / Ljubljana
2005 The Netherlands: The Hague Spain: Madrid
2004 Poland: Warsaw / Luxembourg Hungary: Budapest
2003 Finland: Helsinki Greece: Athens
2002 Slovenia: Ljubljana Ireland: Dublin
2001 Denmark: Copenhagen The Netherlands: Rotterdam
2000 Portugal: Lisbon Austria: Vienna
1999 Germany: Bonn Luxembourg: Luxembourg
1998 Sweden: Stockholm Spain: Madrid
1997 United Kingdom: Stowe/Oxford Italy: Carpi/Bologna
1996 France: Paris Ireland: Dublin
1995 The Netherlands: The Hague
1994 The Netherlands: The Hague/Maastricht