digiMEP Germany 2021
November 10, 2021-November 14, 2021
Honorable Members of the Model European Parliament,
The presidency wants to welcome you warmly to the 54th international Model European Parliament session and the third and hopefully last digital one.
At the Model European Parliament, you have the opportunity to look behind the scenes of political processes and to experience in a hands-on way how the European Parliament decision-making process works. In the committees you will get to discuss the most current issues of EU politics, such as EU – China relations, the future use of AI or the protection of women online to name a few. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance as a young person to shape the future EU, so getting seriously involved will mean leaving your comfort zone and giving your best,. You will see how it will pay off!
Even though this iMEP session will once again be held online, we want you to appreciate the number and variety of smart and politically engaged youth delegates that will joining this event from all over Europe. You will be able to get to know people from almost every country in the EU, some candidate countries and European partners. Use this opportunity to engage in exploring different cultures and enjoy making new friends. You will also learn what it means to bear responsibility. You are responsible for your actions and the outcome of your resolution. You are in charge of the words you choose in drafting the resolution and how you will be going to make compromises in the decisions of your committee. Besides your own responsibility, the responsibility for your country you are going to get to know as well as the responsibility for the European Union. We always say the youth is the future of tomorrow and that is completely true. The sternness of this statement should not only reach you honorable delegates and participants but also the older generations involved in politics. So please bear in mind that the MEP will give you the opportunity to voice your ideas and opinions and demonstrate responsibilty towards the European Union at large.
We are aware of the fact that we cannot in a digital session spread the same cultural and social atmosphere of a real physical meeting but can assure you that you are going to experience German culture, European liaison and personal bonding in a way you will thoroughly enjoy.
We will turn into a lively, buzzing community with many outstanding discussions and extensive knowledge transfer. We will have a history together and no doubt share each other’s company in a not too distant future.
With these words the presidency warmly welcomes you all to the hopefully last virtual session of the Model European Parliament, which thanks to you will be one to remember.

The Presidency,
Cedric Otto and Siska Lüdeling