iMEP Bucharest 2022
May 7, 2022-May 14, 2022
Honorable Members of the Model European Parliament,
It is an honour and with utmost pleasure we warmly welcome you to the 55th international session of the Model European Parliament in Bucharest.
Welcome to Romania, home to breathtaking nature, diverse cultural heritage, rich legends and history and a modern digital highway. And if that is not enough to convince you that you are on your path to the right place, we are more than delighted to meet you in person in our hometown and proud capital of Bucharest.
During the challenging times we are living in – with a war on European soil and a pandemic hopefully on its last stretch – we find ourselves having to adapt quickly to a fast changing environment. This time though, after three online iMEP sessions, we are thrilled finally to meet you face-to-face for a productive conference.
This year’s session coincides with the European Year of Youth – an EU initiative that gives the opportunity to young people around the Union to actively participate in shaping a better future for Europe. The European Year of Youth objectives could not align more with the vision of the Model European Parliament: creating a place for young people to share and exchange new ideas, discuss possible solutions to pressing issues, and pave the way for a bright European future.
As delegates, you will immerse yourselves into a number of current burning issues and will gain a better understanding of the decision-making processes of the EU.
We strongly encourage you to make the most of this session and participate as much as possible. After all, it is your ideas, suggestions, and positive attitude that will make this meeting a big success and will contribute further to European integration.
Romania is proudly looking forward to seeing you. We assure you that we will try our best to relaunch the bright streak of physical international sessions and host you in the best conditions.
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon in May!
The Presidency

Luca Drujinin and Lucian Vineticu