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    The 7th of February 1992, Europe’s leaders in Maastricht signed a treaty of great importance. The Maastricht Treaty gave birth to the European Union, the Committee of the Regions, the European citizen and the Euro. It meant a great step forward for European integration. 25 years later, the EU has grown in almost every way and has more influence on our lives than ever before. All the more reason to make sure that knowledge about the EU is present in young people’s education. And what better way to do this than let them follow the footsteps of our European history? Let them feel what it is like to be a Member of the European Parliament and let them meet their real-life counterparts in Brussels!

    The 7th of February 2017, it is 25 years ago that the Maastricht Treaty was signed. This is a perfect occasion to invite high school students from 30 EU member-states and candidate member-states to come to the Netherlands for the International Session of the Model European Parliament. Furthermore, this is the perfect occasion to ask young European citizens
    to look back and look forward, to the future of Europe. Prior to the actual conference, the MEP Green Paper Procedure invited young people all over Europe to express their reflections on ‘Europe in 25 years’ in a public consultation.

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